Welcome to Word of Life Christian Center!

We are the most exciting, fastest growing fellowship in the area! We invite you to join us and experience the difference that our church offers. Our church family is made up of people just like you who come from various backgrounds. We are excited to get to know you and welcome you into our family of believers.

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One Mind.

We are believers united with the mind of Christ, joined together in perfect unity, with one heart, one passion, and one love.

Philippians 2:2 

One Body.

We are one body with Christ as the head, seeking God and using our gifts to serve and to see our community changed.

Ephesians 4:4-6

One Mission.

We are united in the same mission of spreading the Gospel and seeing lives changed by supporting missions and being present to those in need around us.

Mark 16:15

"Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map, So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence..."
Psalm 43:3